Our Commitment

As an importer and distributor, we at Newport International want to ensure that we are fulfilling our promises to you as the consumer. In order to achieve this, we have to make sure all of our bases are covered, checking that all of our moving parts are functioning efficiently.

Quality Control

HACCP logoQuality control, an essential asset to product success in the marketplace, is an objective that is heavily prioritized at Newport. As the crabs are harvested, we steam them instead of boil them to help bring out the purest flavor profile of the meat. Additionally, we cook these crabs whole instead of backed to better preserve the cardinal fats and nutrients in the meat. Also, through putting less water in the crab cans and solely using exclusively whole firm pieces, we take the filler out and put the value back in. To watch all of this, Newport hires quality assurance managers to sample, test, and review shipments from all over the world. This helps to add both transparency and integrity into the brand, allowing them to pinpoint areas of improvement across the board.


NFI Crab CouncilAlong with quality assurance, Newport International also cares about sustainability. We want sea life to thrive for generations to come, and that is reflective through our self-designed rules and regulations. Examples of these include limiting the size of crabs harvested, using only mature crabs, releasing females with eggs, and building hatcheries to hasten crab reproduction. Anjan Tharakan, the President of Newport International, is also seated on the NFI crab council, an organization that helps to better protect the Earth’s oceans and its inhabitants. Also, a portion of every dollar Newport International purchases goes directly to fund NFI crab council’s FIP efforts worldwide.

sfpOf course, without our dedicated staff, none of this would be possible. Boasting incredible customer service, we reinforce the importance of good business values in both in and out of the workplace. Ultimately, Newport is committed to you and providing you with a flawless product and memorable experience.

Above and Beyond

We review quality on both sides of the world by:

  • Having full-time Q&A Specialists supervising and approving products before they leave our plants.
  • Contracting additional third-party inspectors based in China, Thailand, Philippines, Venezuela, and the USA. They regularly travel to our plants and audit our operations.
  • Conducting secondary USA landed inspections with our US QA team to insure there have been no shipping problems and to validate the work done abroad.
  • Storing Certificates of Analysis for all our products held in inventory. Plus, additional DNA testing on certain items.
  • Finally, we conduct third-party audits of each plant abroad using BRC, SGS, Cook & Thurber, and Silliker International.

CTPAT Statement of Support

As a proud member of the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT), we require that all work shall be voluntary in accordance with ILO Convention No. 29 on forced labor. Suppliers shall not engage in using forced, bonded, prison, or indentured labor of any kind, human trafficking, slavery, or debt bondage as mentioned in the Trafficking Protocol to prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children (2000).